EXHIBITION | 2024 | The Second Half Foundation

18.30 on 21 March at The Second Half Centre at the NHS St Charles Hospital on Exmoor Street London W10 6DZ.

Opened by Andrew Nairne OBE, Director of Kettle’s Yard, this is the 11th annual exhibition that Jill has staged. It features the work of nine artists, all of whom are in the second half of their lives: Caroline Cole, Maryam Eisler, Fleur Grenier, Ikuko Iwamoto, Helen Johannessen, Objekti, Michele Oberdieck, Ian Thompson, Derek Wilson

The catalogue for the show can be found here

These are Caroline’s pots selected for the show

The show is short and sweet - it closes at midday on 22nd. Half the proceeds go to the artists and half to support the Foundation.

Founded in May 2011, after the publication of Jill’s book: ‘The Second Half of Your Life’, about positive ageing, the mission of the Foundation is to create a self-sustaining template for successful ageing, through community hubs, where people can come together to continue learning, make new friends, feel a sense of community, and stay healthy. Currently 6000 people benefit from the centre’s activities.