EXHIBITION | 2023 | Cambridge Contemporary Art Gallery

Specialising in handmade prints, paintings, sculptures and crafts, the Cambridge Contemporary Art Gallery is located just a stone's throw from King's College in the heart of the beautiful, historic University city of Cambridge. Since opening in 1990, it has gained a reputation for showing an extensive range of high quality work and innovative exhibitions of local, national and international artists.

Eight of Caroline Cole’s pots were hand picked for the “Focus on Ceramics’ show.

Alongside, Caroline’s work, the gallery selected pieces from 16 contemporary ceramicists: Katharina Klug, Lara Scobie, Sara Moorhouse, James Hake, John Higgins, Anna Silverton, Carina Ciscato, Adam Frew, Jane Cairns, Chris Keenan, Rhian Malin, Tina Vlassopulos, Matthew Chambers, Sue Mundy, Tricia Thom

Photos by Zuza Grubecka for Cambridge Contemporary Art Gallery